
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reflection 9/30

 Today was not a bad day. It is still spirit week and it was throwback day. The day was fun and went by smooth. In class we continued working with our groups on the project from yesterday. We had to make a question prompt. The prompt had to include directions, an introduction, an assignment, and requirements I finished the assignment and requirements today. Tomorrow we should be finished with the second step .


 My day was okay, not really interesting. I’ve been sluggish and tired all day. We got a new seating chart in class today. The seating chart is reflected upon our new groups. We have a group project to work on for a next couple of weeks. My topic is on security vs privacy : personal rights. I’m not too sure on what I’m supposed to be doing though. I got lost once we started talking about Galileo.


  My day was okay as usual. I have been ready to go home since I walked in the building. Today we didn’t really do anything. We talked bout definitions that I obviously did not know according to my teacher. I did not understand the lesson for today. I am not looking forward into continuing this tomorrow.  

Reflection 9/27

 I guess my day was okay. I honestly don’t remember much from today actually. In class we discussed different sources within a position that we sided with. The class was to skim through the sources. Since our teacher felt we did not know how to skim, we had to read one of the whole articles. We also got homework tonight , I’m not sure how I feel about that .

Reflection 9/22

 Class was focused on time. Well not necessarily just time, but we did look to see how fast or slow time goes by. The poem we read was “I felt a funeral, in my brain”. Don’t get me wrong, the poem was good just a little long and confusing. I guess you can say the speaker is comparing loosing her mind to being buried alive. I cannot imagine being buried alive. My worst fears would be burning, or drowning and now added buried. 

Reflection 9/21

 I had a productive day today. In class we wrote a timed prompt essay. The prompt was on freedom and safety and how as a community we help abide it. We wear masks, have security systems, curfews, etc. I feel as the safety of black men is an example of is an important topic today. I feel like I did good on my essay. I definitely felt rushed though. I low key feel some type of was because this whole time I thought we had to write seven sentences for blogger , and he just told us it was only five. 

Reflection 9/20

 I had a great day today. Class was interesting and I was intrigued. We analyzed two great poems that I found beautiful. The first poem demonstrated that it’s better to be a nobody than a somebody and that it is ok not to fit in. The second poem demonstrated wanting to forget heartbreak. The heart was being personified in the second poem. I connect with the second poem because I have had to mentally and physically get myself together over a heartbreak.


 Today went better than usual. I’m campaigning for homecoming and passed out treats. Class went by as normal. For the past week we have been analyzing poems and pieces of texts as a class. We went over the steps to success. If you don’t plan, plan to fail. The first step to success is to read the prompt. There are four steps to success and it should only take five to seven minutes because we only have fourth minutes to write. The fact that it is timed still makes me nervous. I hope for the best.


 Class was actually easy today. We annotated broke down a new poem. This was my first time looking or being introduced to this poem. I believe the name of it was burger or bridges. It was about someone focused on his return to life instead of focusing on his actual life. The poem was powerful and actually made me think. It was long, but worth the read. 


 I got checked out today so I’ll do a reflection of my day. I woke up not feeling my best. As soon as I got to school I had to take my posters to get signed off and headed to my first period. For some reason today felt like a Friday. I didn’t have much work, really just did reviews. I have a test in the morning that I am not too excited about. I studied, but for some reason the test is never about the information on the study guide. Anyways, I ran some errands today and came home to do work.

Reflection 9/9

 Today was better than yesterday. I was actually here in class today. Meaning I was here mentally and physically, while yesterday just physically. I was not able to finish my essay today, but I know for a fact I’ll be done tomorrow. I made the mistake of submitting my test yesterday and I think that is what made two of my constructive responses disappear. Lucky I had them written down so that’s what took me long also I had to go over my multiple choices. I think I did good over all. I just have to get used to reading passages that I do not take interest in. 

Reflection 9/8

 In class today, we took an assessment on illuminate. I honestly was not prepared and that’s my fault. I thought I was but apparently I wasn’t. For some reason I could not get into the given pieces of text. I was so distracted. I was here but my mind wasn’t and I’m really disappointed. I finished all the requirements, but I didn’t do my best. I know what I am capable of and I did not deliver. I have to do better with my timing.

Reflection 9/7

 Class went extremely well in my opinion. We did another argumentative paragraph, like on Friday. We was given twenty minutes to complete the thesis statement and body paragraph. I can tell I have learned from my experiences and mistakes because it did not take me long to get my claims and explanations together. I will admit I think I need for practice because I am not as comfortable, but the format does help a lot. My position was that people do make mistakes and must make them to become human. 

Reflection 9/3

 My return to school was like I never left. I am glad there is not much catching up I need to do. In class, we was given a prompt and instructed to write a paragraph based on the format we learn. For a body paragraph, the format would be be your claim, two pieces of evidence and explanations for both, and a conclusion. I’m honesty not sure why it took me so long to write the paragraph. I know I need to practice more before time to take the exam. I say this because we will be timed to write three essays and I would need to use this same format , but will need to prioritize my time with each paragraph. 

Reflection 9/2

 Yesterday was not all that good for me and my household. My internet connection was not good at all. I was not able to log on until about 12am. I wasn’t able to check my emails, log on social media, or log into google classroom for hours. I was not able to do my reflection for 9/1. I feel like it’s still going to be marked as a zero even though I have an excuse, but not every is as considerate as you would think. I just woke up not too long ago , yet I feel like I haven’t gotten much sleep. My body is exhausted. I really don’t know what much else there is to say on here, my days are pretty boring .