
Showing posts from February, 2022


Today was a typically slow Monday. I did not want to get out of my bed this morning. We did not have a teacher which I was surprised about. Well, not too surprised this being Cedar Grove. Hopefully this week goes by fast.


 Today was decent. We did not have test because we basically took it the day before. I honestly was ready to go home. I be ready to go home before first period starts. I have no idea how I am going to do this again next year. 


 In class we worked on discussion questions. They were based on the book Fences. The questions were mainly opinionated. I didn't even read the whole play and was able to answer majority of the questions. I'm glad this was our test for today. Class went by smoothly and I am assuming that it will remain that way for tomorrow.


 I was dreading coming to class today. Honestly dreading coming to school in general. I woke up exhausted per usual. I am so ready to graduate. I'm lying, I am not ready to graduate, but I am ready to get my life back to normal. We read some text and was using the process of elimination to answer the questions for it. 


 Class went by smoothly today. In class we were given sheets of paper to describe characters from the play Fences . I was grouped with Braxton, Ventrilo, and Sanai. We took turns describing Rose, Troy, and the son in three words. Then, we used process of elimination to see the best answer. Afterwards, I do not remember what else we did. I know this whole class restroom break shit is not it. 


 We finished the book Fences. Afterwards we began to watch moments from the movie that we were most interested in during the script. I love me some Denzel , but how could he do that to rose. He deserved to die from heart ache due to all the aching hearts he caused. Some men want the best of both worlds no matter who they might hurt in the process. 

reflection 2/16

 Today was an eventful day. I enjoyed the class reading we did. I feel as if we should definitely do it again. I was mainly appalled by Braxton and Stick's interaction during readings. I did not expect for the mom to pass away, though it is not rare to pass during birth. I thought the son and dad was going to fight, but now I am confused. The dad tells his son he has strikes and I am curious on when the strikes are up, is he going to result in beating his son like his father used to do? Is he becoming a product of his experience?


I started back reading online. I chose to read off wattpad. I have been reading wattpad since what believes to be middle school. This source allows people to share their stories without needing to meet certain requirements some authors need. This allows creators to perfect their craft while getting out there. I enjoy reading pieces of texts that was written by people my age.


 Yesterday, I was excused from class in accordance to personal reasonings.


 What do you need to work on and do better? When writing, I need to work on my timing and planning. I do not know why I make things harder than it is supposed to be. I honestly wish I was better prepared, but I mean who is prepared to write a timed essay. Those forty minutes went by so fast. It takes me a minute to get my thoughts together and actually out on paper without sounding crazy. Im curious on what I am going to get on this essay, I hope it is better than expected. Oh yeah Mr. Rease, can you update my blogger grades while you reading this lol? 

reflection 2/10

 Class was fun and quite interesting today. Might I add frustrating also to my list of today's descriptions. We had to continue on with our group projects from yesterday. Our commercial was about which pop tart brand was the most recommended to purchase. The opposing pop tart product was the Millville toaster tarts. I had actually never seen this brand in many stores let along one. It was kind of challenging trying to put the whole idea together, but we got it done.

reflection 2/9

We started off with the bell ringer. It was based on the audience and importance of the writer knowing who their audience is. In my opinion, having a clear understanding on who you are directing to will make the writing process easier. Class ended with an group activity related to today's lesson.

Reflection 2/8

 I was definitely over today and everyone involved. I could not keep myself under control. I had my first counselling session that did not go as well. I already had an idea of how this would end. I was giving the benefit of the doubt, but I am done. I have to take control and stop having all these expectations from people that do not owe me anything. I attempted to stay in class yesterday, but for some reason I still got up and left. Some times I feel invisible and do not realise and insensitive I can be. I now know why people say your junior year is the hardest. Am I really ready for this adult life?

Reflection 2/7

 Today was a complete mess. I had a long and eventful weekend. The struggle I had attempting to get out of my bed is horrible; my pet was just looking at me crazy. Now that I think about it, he was probably looking at me crazy because I was late taking him outside. I did not attend class sadly, but I did collect the work from another student. I have now come to the conclusion that I cannot keep collecting work and not attending classes because I need help no matter how much I deny it. I am glad that I am now figuring out this now before attending college.

reflection 2/4

 If I am not mistaken today was a good day. I was capable of staying in most of my classes and controlling my emotions. I was honestly ready to leave school. I met up with my cousins and spent the rest of the day with them. I have realised that it is up to me to be successful. I am the keys out,  I just have to make sure I do not break. 

reflection 2/3

We read the pledge written by Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou's writing had always been involved in my life throughout school. She is a famous African American poet that has shown interest in acting. We listened along to the video as we made notations in our head. We also began on the the graphic organizer together as a class. Mr. Rease thinks that we will be taking class restroom breaks. I am curious on how long he thinks that will last with our class. I wish we were able to continue to walk out as we please to use the restroom, to keep from disrupting the class. However we have immature and unreliable classmates.

reflection 2/2

 This was probably one of the most normal days I have had this week. Between home and school I don’t know which one is worse. I had a lot of make up work to do and collect. Everyday it is some new assignment that I am not going to remember about the day I graduate.

reflection 2/1

  Today was hard. I had to attend my junior meeting. Instead of taking on they typical work base learning choice, I am going to the south technology school. I will be completing  my healthcare certification there. I want to be a traveling nurse.