
Showing posts from August, 2021

Reflection 8/31

 I guess you can say my day has been okay. I am still trying to wrap my head around some things. For instance, blogging even if not being in school. The blog posts are supposed to be a reflection of class if I am not mistaken. Meanwhile, I did not go to school today. I completed assignments that I could complete online. Other than that I haven’t done much today. There was not much for me to do. I’m not a fan of this pandemic.

Reflection 8/30

 I am currently at home writing my reflection. I am not sure when I will make a return to school. I am thinking about finishing this year out virtual. There are so many cases at school and we are just told to go back to class. I wonder what will finally make dekalb county schools shut down and realize their plan is not working. There are classrooms filled with students that don’t keep their masks on. I’ve also seen teachers without masks on casually. I hope no ones life becomes compromised from this.

Reflection 8/27

 In class today, we talked about argumentative essays. We broke down how to write one and the different components of one. We mainly discussed the body paragraph rather the introduction and conclusion. An argumentative essay’s body paragraph should include a claim, two pieces of evidence along with explanations for both , and a conclusion. The claim , which is also known as the topic, should be one sentence along with the conclusion. The evidence can have more than one sentence and should be credible. This reminded me of RACE. 

Reflection 8/26

 It seems to be that instead of the days getting better, they are getting worse. Everyday it is something , which is annoying. I don’t appreciate being talked to in the way that my teacher talks to me. We started class with a lecture. Then, we were given new set of rules and was told that we cannot go to the bathroom because we should go before class. Only exception is if we have an emergency. Afterwards the homework from last night was collected. I used George W. Bush’s speech about the two airplanes that crashed into the world trade centers.

Reflection 8/25

 Today wasn’t that bad. We reviewed rhetorical situations and framework. We began taking notes on crisis rhetoric and shared some examples. One example we used was about the O.J Simpson trial. We also used Donald Trump’s speech. We also went over pathos, logos, and ethos. The class got homework tonight because people was sleep and not paying attention. Do I blame the class for going to sleep while Donald Trump was talking ? The answer is no, I do not blame them, but getting homework was definitely a stretch; but I’m still going to do it though. 

Reflection 8/24

Yesterday was not one of my best days. I was constantly back and forth from the counseling office getting paper work situated. I told my teacher in beginning of class that I was going to have to go up there and their response was I couldn’t go at the moment. I was didn’t have a problem with waiting. We was about to start a quiz before we was disrupted by the fire alarm. I really was not feeling good, so I was not too happy about the alarm. Then, it was too hot outside. Once we came back in I had to pick up some papers to turn back in the counseling office, then I was with my healthcare teacher because she wanted to talk to me about sga. I even emailed my teacher to asked for the assignments before school was over.

Reflection 8/23

 Today in class we went over a few things. We started off logging into the ap website. Afterwards, we went over rhetoric and rhetorical situations. I couldn’t see so I was going by what I could hear. Lastly, we watched some videos of the George Floyd riot and Keshia Lance Bottoms speech. We used the Keshia Bottoms speech to identify the rhetorical situations.

Reflection 8/19

Today in class we had presentations. Groups one and three presented their project today, while groups two and four are to present tomorrow. If we are being honest, I do not remember much about the groups poem. During the presentation there were so many distractions and I could barely hear the group members present. Actually now that I’m thinking about it , something that I remember group one’s illustration. It was so detailed and pretty. Her explanations were also on point.

Reflection 8/18

 We started class of today with a bell ringer. The bell ringer a asked us to talk about the best advice that our mother or guardian gave us. We was to also explain what situation the advice was given. Afterwards, we were put in assigned groups for a group project. After the instructions were explained, the members in each group chose their paper to do. I chose to do the illustration that correlates to the given poem. The poem my group and I was assigned is “Refugee in America” by Langston Hughes.

Dream 8/17

Reflection 8/16

 Today in class we had a short day. We started today off with a bell ringer per usual. Today’s bell ringer was to define theme if I’m not mistaken. Theme is a moral or lesson a person takes away from a piece of text. Afterwards, we read a poem for better understanding and annotated it. I can admit I had trouble understanding the poem. I also am not a fan of the new seating chart because I have trouble seeing in the seat I was assigned, I hope this is temporary.

Reflection 8/13

 There’s not too much for me to say about today. In class we took a vocabulary quiz for the terms that we wrote down earlier this week. If we’re being honest, I was not prepared. I forgot we had a quiz until an associate mentioned it to me in another class. I think I did good , but I know I could’ve done better if I actually took the time to study. We also took an pre assessment today. I didn’t get to finish my last open response questions , but overall I think I did good on that assessment also.

Reflection 8/12

 Today, in class we had a bell ringer on why do people read. People read to get an understanding of something or increases your vocabulary and your knowledge of how to correctly use words. We also covered formal and informal language. You use formal language for research papers, essays, school, assignments, business letter, applications, and situations where you have a serious purpose. For essays that  are not narrative essays avoid the use second person pronouns and first person pronouns. Informal language use informal language for communication with friends, for humorous essays, for dialogue, and for other situations when your purpose is causal. We also went over a text together as a class and talked about the purpose and reading and we found details for when our purpose was to rob the house and to buy the house.

Reflection 8/11

 Today, class went a little better than usual. Other than the childish remarks due to the thundering outside and unrelated outburst, today was a success. In class we went over temptations and discussed some events in where we were tempted. A temptation is the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. Later, we went over complex texts and how to properly comprehend them. As a class we followed the three steps in comprehending a complex text and answered the correlating questions. We revisited the process of elimination as a class to find the best answer choice. I appreciated being able to do the task with the class and hearing everyone’s responses regarding to the questions and answer choices.

Reflection 8/10

 In class today, we took a pre assessment. It was easier than I expected. After the class completed the test, we were passed back each other’s papers to grade. While grading , we went over the process of elimination. With four answer multiple choices there will be two completely incorrect answers, one somewhat answer, and one best answer. We are to look for the best answer not the correct answer. At the moment I don’t really care for the class discussions because I don’t like to feel like I’m going back and forth with people.


 My name is Zaleah. I like to listen to music, vibe , and sleep. I don’t like introducing myself every year. I ran track, cheered and played volleyball. I don’t like to go back and forth. I expect us to get shut down and go back virtual because don't nobody be wearing no mask for real. I also expect to pass all my classes and have a good year.