
Showing posts from November, 2021

Reflection 11/30

 Today was not the best. It was really hard for me to concentrate. I needed to be alone. In class we read another expert and answered questions for it. I did not care for the choice of reading. Though it could’ve been because of the way I was already feeling. 

reflection 11/29

 Today went by faster than expected. I had a few obstacles, but the day is finally over with. In class we read a short story. It was a fiction story call "Ambush". Ambush is a term that can be referred to as a surprise attack. It was composed of three paragraphs. The first and third paragraph were described as the present, while the middle was a flash back. The story was not bad, I actually believed it was a true story. 

Reflection 11/18

 Today went by smoothly. I honestly forgot we was getting a sub. I didn’t really do anything today. It was more of a chill day for me. I was supposed to be retaking this quiz but I got to wait until tomorrow. 

Reflection 11/17

 My day went by smooth. In class all we did was start on the next step for our project. I’m referring to the argumentative group project. I really think that us answering each other’s should be the final exam instead. Previously we was supposed to find 10 sources individually. Today we are going through all of our resources and choosing 7 to use. 

Reflection 11/16

 Today we went to the gym for something related to pathways. I think it is for next year, but I’m not sure. I didn’t choose one because I want to talk to my counselor about my next year schedule. I finished my informational essay before the due date, so that’s a relief. 

Reflection 11/15

 My day was okay. I didn’t go to fourth period because I was helping another teacher out with a project. I just got off work and is about to start on the assignment from today in class. I believe we was given a text and the assignment is to read and analyze it, then answer the prompt. I haven’t even read the text yet and it’s already almost 9:00pm. To be honest I feel like I’m not going to be done writing until in the morning tomorrow.

Reflection 11/11

 Today is Veterans Day. I expected us to be out of school, but it was too good to be true. We didn’t learn anything in class. All we did was continue a test that nobody wanted to take. Never have I heard of a benchmark being used as a grade and it weighing more than the exam. Anyways, yeah we took the test and that was it. I left school, came home and now I am writing this blog.

reflection 11/10

I'm doing my blogger early , so I do not forget about it later. I know that we are supposed to be doing a benchmark. I really do not understand the point of doing it if it does not have an impact on our grade. Ive taken two benchmarks already within this whole semester. I had seven classes once upon a time and never had to do that. I'd imagine that this will take the whole class period. If I am not mistaken we will be doing this over the course of today and tomorrow. Friday we will have to stay after school to finish it.

Reflection 11/9

 Today was not that bad. I was late to class, but was still able to complete today’s assignment. We broke down a body paragraph of an argumentative essay using only two sources. We use three sources in any other essay. We worked as a class, then worked independent. My position was basically that kindergarten need to ease its academic standard on the children to prevent stress. Children need more of a balance to be the best them they can be.

Reflection 11/8

 I don’t know how I feel about today. I was just not motivated enough. I was following along, but it was obvious others thought different. We analyzed some sources. We made a position and claims. We had to look for supporting information for the claims and counterclaims, so you can come up with a thesis. After you have your thesis , it is time to write. 

reflection 11/5

 I don't know if we were still supposed to be blogging for this day because we got out of school because of the braves parade.

reflection 11/4

 I don't know if we were still supposed to blog this day because I never received an email about it. We had to stay in our first period class all day. At first I thought it was going to be so bad, but I ended up not. I got some work done, but not everything I should've.

reflection 11/3

 I may have the worst lucky in life. Others may disagree. Some people may think I am the luckiest person ever. Why don't I feel that way? I was able to read the chapter nine of the book today and come up with some questions regarding it. I'm disappointed because I got an extra day and is still behind. Why can't I catch up? Why can't I keep up? I've come to the conclusion that it's me: I am the problem. We will be discussing the bibliography section of our project today. I can't believe November is here already. As much as I am happy I am also saddened by it. They wasn't lying when they said your junior year would fly by. 

reflection 11/2

 No blog.

reflection 11/1

 My day started off not so great. I flew in from Chicago late and barely got any sleep. I woke up late and had to rush getting ready for school. I originally threw on some leggings and a hoodie to make it easier because it was so simple. Unfortunately, I had to call my mom back up to the school to bring me some pants because of me wearing legging and I could get ISS. I never will understand taking away school instruction for clothes that is not affecting anyone. Then, to top it off I seen about ten people with leggings on in the hallway that looked way more inappropriate than mine. Anyways, in class we were sitting in a circle, taking turns reading. We also took a quiz, but I wasn't able to because I was absent on Friday. I plan on answering them when I read chapter seven, eight, and nine. I'm glad there is no school tomorrow because I be needing a break. Being in school five days out the week and nearly the whole day, and only two day weekend is ridiculous.