
Showing posts from March, 2022


 I felt so sick today. Then the odor in the halls did not make it any better. I felt like I was day dreaming around school all day. Day dreaming about the life I want to have, but I know that in order to have that I have to pass this obstacle.


 I had a day today. The conversation I had with my counselor yesterday still lingers in my mind. I can home so exhausted not even being able to go straight to sleep. Ended up going to work for hours and then having to come back home to do work. 


When I say this pollen is killing me , I am speaking in literal terms (maybe not). Imagine being allergic to pollen, matter of fact don't, it is literally the worst. I am really just going with the flow this week but I can admit that I am tremendously exhausted. Every time I turn around it is work, home bs , and school, never sleep, peace, and progression. 


 We have one more week until the break. I have my head set to where I know I need to be with all my class before we get out for the break and I hope I can stay on track. I am also excited for this cabin trip in Tennessee with my best friends for their birthdays. It's about time I start back surrounding myself by the ones that are serious about their studies.


 We took a test today. A test that I was most definitely not prepared for, but that was my mistake. Now, I just have to learn from it and do better next time. I was really running off no sleep. I will never let another person book with me as late as I did on a school night ever again. Swear I was walking around that school looking like a zombie. I needa get right asap.


 Today was definitely not the best. I hate that they let these kids take their mask off, now we got mfs with stomach bugs and stuff. I felt so bad, then had to turn around and go to work and do hair. It’s just not enough hours in the day for me. #thoughtyallwascapboutjunioryearreallybeingyourhardest


 Today we argued unpopular opinions:


 We answered a prompt question today.  As a class we discussed our positions on if individuality is more important than nationality. Individuality is more important because at the end of the day everyone is responsible for themselves and are accountable for their own actions individually. We also discussed claim of fact (can be argued) , claim of policy (criteria) , and claim of policy ( introduced some type of change). I dislike how much of an over thinker I am when it comes to making the three claims, I am making hypothesis. 


 My day was exhausting. I felt like I was learning math all over again. I miss just adding and subtracting because adding all these letters to the equation is throwing me off. #hateprecal #whomadethis   I don’t know I just felt like talking about something else other than this class.


 We did nothing out the ordinary today. We was too pull out our notes to continue along. We discussed formal versus informal logic. Both deductive and inductive arguments occur frequently and naturally.


 We continued to take notes pertaining to the book we have been reading this week. The title for today was logical fallacies. Hasty generalization is making assumptions about a whole group or rage of cases based on a sample that is inadequate because it is atypical or too small. This also be called a stereotype.


 We started class continuing on reading "Thank You for Arguing". The three core issues would be blame, values, and choices. Blame equals past, values equals present, and choice equals future tense. Present tense is demonstrative while past tense is forensic. Also, future tense is deliberative, meaning the argument promises a payoff. We also discussed a scenario of coming home to find out your parents have been snooping in your room. My advice to the parent is do not go looking for stuff that you know can possibly upset you because now that you have seen whatever you was looking for, I will learn I will need to be more careful while you will just be mad and upset. 


In class today we took interest in a new book. I felt like this was a great day to read the book. This said because the previous day in class we had a lot of different opinions being expressed and arguments. The book is Thank You for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs. The class got to chapter three while I am left behind in chapter one.


 presentation: florida’s don’t say gay bill I think the group discussing the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” did a wonderful presentation. I feel as if some information was bias , but overall it was a clean argument. I hate how the class kept on arguing every time a question was asked. If a child of the age of seven asked a teacher professional about sex , I would assume the adult would redirect and notify the parents instead of engaging the conversation. I feel as if there should not be a bill on what teachers can and cannot teach, but there are just obvious things that should not be talked about in school with underage children. Another group that had my interested in was the presentation about tik tok.


 Today is Friday and the weekend is calling my name. The remaining groups that did not present yesterday continued on today. I liked how the class would interact with the questions at the end of the presentation. I just wish that if did not take our class as long just to get to the next question. 


My day was good. I was at school on time and went to all of my classes. My group had to present our project today. It was our current event project. Even though we was missing some people from our group, I think we did a good job. 


 Today was productive. Everyone in my group was present today in class. We was to finish working on the current event project. We got almost everything done. The only thing left is a couple slides for somebody to look over at home.


 Today we got a new project. I am in the group with Sanai, Ventrilo, and Sypho. Our topic is Russia invading Ukraine. We got a lot done as a group, I hope it can continue this way. I plan on working on it at home. This is a current event occurring and it is interesting that I can following along as I research.


 Today was a smooth Monday. We continued discussing the group debate questions. The topics were very interesting. I appreciated the verbal communication we have as a class. I had a great day so far an continue to do so.


 We did not do too much today. We got assigned topics for argumentative discussions. We had to pick a side and provide supporting reasonings. I was just ready to go home and start the weekend that is definitely not long enough.


 What are 5 things you need to improve your score.    After reviewing my rhetorical analysis essay and score, I need to work on my planning, time management, and be more concise. I tend to let the time get the best of me. I need to practice working efficiently under pressure. I think If I could get straight to the point fast enough, it would be helpful. I try to use all of the information from all of my different teachers throughout the year which is challenging. Another thing that I need to improve my score is to actually compose a five paragraph essay. Now, I am capable to complete an essay, but apparently not under the specific time limit. Even if I do not finish, I still should consider doing my conclusion when time is running out.


 Today was smooth. I went to all of my classes lol. I had two test today and passed both. In class we completed the Yellow Wallpaper questions. While most of the class completed the questions, others were to take their quiz from last week. I enjoyed the last reads as a class we have had. I appreciate being able to completed the questions as a class. Tomorrow we gone take about them essay grades because unt unt I need a replacement assignment  or something. 


 I did not have class today. I had meet with my counselor. That reminds me that I have to go correct my attendance. I've been so forgetful lately. The only thing that has been on my mind is my pre calc class. I am so behind in this class and my missing test grades are killing me. Every time I attempt to go to a tutorial it gets canceled last minute or I am attending it for another class. Next week is the last week for my geography class and I really need to take one of my tests just to boost my grade and mentally prepare myself for civics.